Gulfcoast Pharmaceutical Specialty
Gulfcoast Pharmaceutical Specialty
- Your Pharmacy Solution -
- Your Pharmacy Solution -
Check Out Our Video On Our Packaging System
Check Out Our Video On Our Packaging System

Our goal is to provide excellent, consistent service that our customers can rely on.

We Strive for safety. The safety of our clients is important to us.

We offer specialized packaging options to meet the needs of our clients.
Our Mission
Our Mission
To build, with our customers, quality comprehensive pharmacy services. To maximize business opportunities through innovative programs, aggressive leadership and the synergy created among our employees and customers.
Gulfcoast Pharmaceutical Specialty Services
Gulfcoast Pharmaceutical Specialty Services
Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Assisted Living Centers and Group Homes
Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Assisted Living Centers and Group Homes

Acute, Rehab, L.T.A.C., and Behavioral Hospitals are looking for a pharmacy that they can trust and who provides excellent service. We understand that hospitals have specialized needs. GPS employs on-site dispensing technology to minimize the wait time for STAT orders. Our pharmacy team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist your staff with urgent request. Let GPS be your Pharmacy Choice!
We understand the value of precious nursing time that can be wasted while searching through stacks of cards during med-pass. Our specialized packaging organizes rx's by time, so all medicines for each resident are contained in an easy tear-off pouch. This method helps reduce errors and increase compliance to avoid the potential costs of re-hospitalizations. Let GPS be your Pharmacy Choice!

We understand residents enjoy going out on pass. Our specialized packaging ensures the safe portability of their medicine, in an easy, ready to use pouch. Our new Quickmar interface provides access to an incredible suite of tools that facilitate the tracking and charting of your residents' behavior and activities. We know it's important to the Director of Nursing to be able to get the personalization they want for their facility. We provide great value to each facility! Let GPS be your Pharmacy Choice!
Out Patient Providers
Out Patient Providers
Out Patient Providers such as: Hospice, Group Homes, Residential Care, Adult Day Care Programs, and Disabilities & Special Needs. We at GPS understand your need to provide pharmacy services to all your patients. Our team will provide you with the proper knowledge necessary to overcome any challenge you may face with pharmacy problems. Let GPS be your Pharmacy Choice!

GPS knows that to provide excellent service, you must have excellent employees. Our team is always looking out for our clients. We stay on top of the latest pharmacy updates and give our clients the best prices available. Our team is here for you 24/7 and our expertise can make all the difference!
Service Areas
Service Areas
We serve facilities in and around the following:
South Louisiana
New Orleans
Baton Rouge
Lake Charles
South Mississippi
Contact Information
Contact Information
Gulfcoast Pharmaceutical Specialty
P.O. Box 489
Gonzales, Louisiana 70737
Phone: 844-498-5220
Fax: 844-337-6197
Inquiry Form
Inquiry Form